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Cherish present,focus on future!




The Single’s day  

2008-11-12 11:33:45|  分类: English |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Do you want to be single when you are married? Do you want to have your own family when you are still single? Yesterday was Single’s day. I would not know it if I have not learnt the information from my friends’s greetings or their articles.

There was some news on the internet which said some KTV rooms would not accept the lovers during Single’s day. Did you feel happy on single’s day if you are a single?

I have been out of the group of the singles. Of course I have not any excuse to enjoy the Single’s day.

Do you want to be single for a short period of life if you have been disturbed by your family life? Do you want to find a girl or boy friend when you are still single and want to have a new family?

I think some of the people to be single are due to some special causes. A student who is in the course of studying may not have the consideration to have a girl or boy friend. Those singles who are still being single might not have the chance to meet their beloved.

There are some humorous pictures on the net. One of them has caused my attention. It says I don’t accept any gift during Single’s day unless it is girlfriend(光棍节过节不收礼,收礼只收女朋友).

Haha, I think most of the singles still want to get out of the single situation even if they have enjoyed their festival.

Hope those who want to find their mates will realize their dream.

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