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Cherish present,focus on future!




The busy weekend  

2008-12-23 11:13:48|  分类: English |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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This weekend I was very busy. Most of my free time was devoted to being as an invigilator. Approaching the final year, this is the case that there are so many examinations being arranged for the students. To obtain some extra income, I seized the chance of being an invigilator. On Saturday morning, the CET4 (National English Eaxm for grade four) was held in our university. On Sunday, the national computer grade examination was also held the whole day.

If you had not the experience of being an invigilator, you would not read the ordeal. To be an invigilator, you should go to the classroom one hour earlier than the students, then taking the exam script. During the whole exam course, you can not do anything, just walking slowly around in the room, sometimes you can sit only a while. In this situation, the time for the students might be limited and intense whereas for you it is very long. Thus this is the very sense you could experience the relative theory proposed by the renowned scientist Einstein.

The worth-mentioned spotlight was my son’s music performance. In Saturday night the music training center held a music party in a western dining hall. At first the little trainees showed their talents about one hour. Then they enjoyed the western meal ordered by the center. It was a little surprise that my son’s bamboo flute performance was finished in a warm applause although his program was very short. The disatisfied point was that before his show my son had not any preface like those students who almost had a forword including introduction to themselves as well as the contents to be showed. Mainly because my son’s introverted trait has been passed down by me.

Among those trainees who are interested in music, most of them are little girls and piano orientated.

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