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Cherish present,focus on future!




The rambling thought on the blog   

2008-04-16 16:46:21|  分类: English |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Nowadays, blogs have been emerging at an unprecedented speed. I think everyday there must be a great amount of new blogs born in the numerous websites. In particular those renowned websites have developed theire blog with unique features aimed to attract the browsers’ attention. Its colourful modules available for use, its multifunctioning have constituted their exceptional characteristics.

No doubt, the blogs provide the users tremendous advantages. In my view, these can be outlined as follows.

The primary feature I consider is that it is accessible freely for everyone. If you want to build a blog, just visiting a website, then create it following some basic procedures.

Second, it can meet one’s desire of releasing one’s work. No matter what the quality is. It can be used as one of the vents when you feel sad or depressed. You wrote down something on your blog which could mitigate your mental burden. In contrast, when you feel elated, you could also post something exultant on your blog, and definitely despite either the sadness or happiness, some of your blog friends could share with you if you have established a good network of relationship.

It is very true when comparing to the situation many years ago. When you had something to write, you could only chalk down on your diary which for the most part yourself was the only reader. If you had an ambition for which you wanted your article appearing on the journal or other types of papers, you should make great efforts towards it to meet the high level standards. If you are in the same age similar to me, I think you should have the memory that someone, if his article was carried on some newspaper or other media, should treat some of his classmates or best friends. Usually the final result was that he pocketed out all his money gained from his article being public. Even he overspent his money gained.

The third part is that it provides the vehicle for making friends. You can communicate with everyone you like across the global at your will. Some will become your congenial friends; someone will become your blue or red bosom friend. Some according to their needs may meet through internet to the reality.

Of course, the side effects of the blog are also blatant. There exist some nocuous blogs which post some pornographic or carnal pictures or videos that are unsuitable for the young particular those juveniles.

In a word, I am always grateful for the advent of the blog, even if I entered this dummy space so late. However it is expected that I will make some good friends whom I could not meet in reality. Of course, if someone appears who can become my future red confidante, I would treasure this chance.

Ok, it is so garrulous. The purpose is to practise my writing ability. If I had squandered your valuable time, I would say sorry for you.

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