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Cherish present,focus on future!




Maintain a good habit to write something everyday  

2008-05-02 08:42:39|  分类: English |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Many years ago, as a student either in middle school or in college, I had a good habit of writing diary and lasted for nearly over six years. After working, gradually this habit was abandoned for certain reason. Mainly because there was no any special passion as before. I think most of us had been doing like me and finally gave up.

Writing something, there is value-added for me came to the fact when I opened my blog several months ago. At first I only wrote some Chinese proses or poems on Netease website. Later the thought of writing in English occurred to me some day. Now the English articles have almost occupied my whole blog.

Indeed, I have the sense you may have some to write down if you persisit in it. If you find some subterfuges to stop your writing for several days, then you would not get any stream from your daily life for writing. The more you write everyday, the more you want to write,the more insight you will gain.

I manage to write something everyday, however it is not easy. Firstly, writing in English may be slower than using in Chinese; secondly, I am not so skillful in commanding English at will.; thirdly, the busy work and inconvenient spare time discounts my desire to write something in time.


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