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Cherish present,focus on future!




Sweats versus mother wit  

2008-05-09 10:40:31|  分类: English |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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See the following maxim:

Talent is the combination of 99 percent of sweats with 1 percent of inspiration.

This famous maxim recognized worldwide was from the talented inventor Edison. His famous comment has inspired and still exerts its influence on the people who make their efforts towards achievement.

The positive aspect from his adage is undoubtful. However, what I mention here is that this maxim was misused someway for centuries.

Some of us have noticed the titbits concerning this sentence. It was disclosed that the sentence has been used incompletely. After you know the full meaning of the sentence, do you feel deceived a little?

The full sentence is like that: talent is the combination of 99 percent of sweats with 1 percent of mother wit, but the mother wit of 1 percent outweighs much the 99 percent of the sweats.

The implication above is obvious. In the viewpoint of Edison, he was biased towards the element of talents that one was born to be.

How do you think when you know the full sentence? As for me, at firist sight I was astonished, after thinking a lot, I just gave a smile.

After all, I think, even though all the people have known the full sentence, they may tend to be negligible to its full meaning. As this generally accepted meaning and its upbeat impacts on people’s spirit have been long since rooted in the memory of the human being.

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