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Cherish present,focus on future!




We are not in sympathy with the home education methods  

2008-07-06 09:04:51|  分类: English |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Recently, upon the long summer vacation of my son, I and my wife have a little squabble on how to arrange his holiday.

His mother usually tends to be strict with him, whereas I tend to be generous. I don’t know whether my attitude is right or not. In my opinion, the nature of children is suitable playing, his study and wisdom may grow up under a relatively free environment. Thus I usually manage to foster my son’s comprehensive ability. Last year under my insistence my son learnt painting for one year. However this term he had to disrupt his painting course due to the intensive extracurricular studying including Chinese composition, maths improvement, and English courses arranged by his mother.

Just after the end of his examination, his mother applied two courses for him, ie, the Chinese writing and maths improvement class. Yesterday he attended the class with his little brother-in-law who enters the same class as him. My son told me later there are three of his classmate who are also in one of the classes.

As for the English course, I finally consulted with his mother and reached agreement. I should give some home education in English for him. The training course will last at the end of July; most of my son’s holiday may be consumed by extra studying if we give him three courses of training. Last term my son’s English performance only obtained level of “丙”, but in this final exam he obtained “甲”. My son said to me the English test was very easy.

During this holiday, I want to arrange him a music training. I like the Chinese bamboo flute very much and in my leisure time I play it sometimes. I want to develop some of his music quality apart from studying. My son once told me he felt embarrassed in the class when they held an activity that required every student to give an art show because he had nothing to show off.

The summer vacation poses our parents more thinking and troubles. Even I have not a clear thread on how to balance his studying and playing. The stricter attitude of his mother always conlficts with my opinion.

Before I could enjoy a summer vacation, my son has to stay alone at home without accompanying Occasionally these days, he went out and had an outside appointment with his classmates.

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