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Cherish present,focus on future!




公婆饼 Gongpo biscuit  

2009-11-22 21:45:41|  分类: 英语学习 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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This morning, I bought the breakfast in the canteen. I took notice the introduction on the cover of a biscuit. It read as follows:



公婆饼 Gongpo biscuit





Gongpo biscuit

   Gongpo biscuit, which is welcomed by people because of its distinguished ethnic flavor and its special production technique, was ranked as one of the most renowned ten snacks in Enshi district. It was said during the year of Qinlong, Qing dynasty, there was a big and wealthy family surnamed Tian, whose daughter-in-law was newly married. The next day just after she returned from her mother’s home, she should cook a dish personally for her mother-in-law as required by the local custom. The mother-in-law ordered the servant sending her daughter-in-law flour of two Liang(Chinese measure unit), a little corns and some seasoning, to make the breakfast. There was the requirement from the father-in-law: “the ten brothers should each have a biscuit that must be interconnected”. And her mother-in-law also made a requirement: “the ten brothers’ wives and their children can also taste the dish”. It was rather difficult to make ten biscuits using only two Liang flour, much less up to one hundred people who should taste the biscuit. Nonetheless, the daughter-in-law exquisitely handled the crux, thus the Gongpo biscuit which fully displayed her cooking technique and wisdom was originated and passed down till now. Dear customer friend, could you find the essence and its recipe if you have observed the process of making the Gongpo biscuit?

     Gongpo biscuit is featured in its golden colour, mellow fragrance, pure flavor, and being good-shaped, which can be either used at luxury feast as dessert, or being popular as the snack welcomed by the populace


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