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Cherish present,focus on future!




美丽的校园 The beautiful schoolyard  

2009-11-23 21:51:50|  分类: 儿子的作品 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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美丽的校园  The beautiful schoolyard



    The schoolyard where I am studying is a clean and tidy place. That is the beautiful Primary School affiliated to HUST, a wonderful place.



“叮零零——”, 下课铃响了,同学们活像一群群的小燕子飞出教室,特别是一年级的小朋友,像一只只的猴子似的窜出了教室,飞奔到操场上,你追我赶,你叫我喊,还有的人在玩操场上的运动器材,比如:跑步机、单杠、双杠。

My schoolyard is a happy land:

Ding, Ding, Ding, with the ringing bell announcing the break for the class, the students are just like the little swallows flying out from the classroom, in particular the pupils in the grade one, more like the monkeys galloping out from the classroom to the playground, chasing after each other, shouting and screaming. Besides, some are playing with the sports devices in the playground, such as running machine, horizonal bar,parallel bar.




    However, when compared with the grade five, things may be quite different, almost no one wants to play downstairs. They can also be playful just outside the classroom. What they play? What they can play there? Hi, look! Many games are available! Such as clashing ball, clapping hands, Double-Salution, Bathing, You eat and I eat, Brush Li and so on. It is incalculable!




    Our school is also austere:



Ding, Ding, Ding, it is the bell for class. The students then are just like the little swallows heading towards their nests. The teacher steps in with serious voice: “the class begins.” The monitor says: “stand up!” then the students echo with resonant voice: “hello, teacher!” “Hello, students! sit down please!” The teacher makes a sudden brake during the interval of class and raises a question. However, no one in our class registers the look of fuss; some raise their hand, afterwards, more and more hands followed. The teacher calls one student.  His/her voice is so clear and strongly hits the answer. “It is 57.” “Very good, sit down please.” The teacher is so pleased. From this scenario you could savor the virtue of our students and the teacher!



Our schoolyard is a garden:









You must see a tall pine tree standing before the gate when you enter our school. It is a growth manual, a much thicker manual, which has recorded a large amount of history for our school, the Primary School affiliated to HUST, from its establishment. Originally, our school was a single old building without stair; there were wood desks and wood chairs. In contrast, nowadays, there are two towering buildings in our school, each has six floors, thus twelve floors in total.  

When spring comes, the pine tree becomes exuberant and mature, being lush against other green trees.

When summer comes, the pine tree is specially green, just like a field-soldier wearing the colour uniform, being upstanding under the sunshine.

The pine tree turns to yellow partly in the autumn.

In winter, the pine tree is blanketed with snow, just like a navy soldier.

This is our schoolyard, the beautiful Primary School affiliated to HUST



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