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Cherish present,focus on future!




Morning exercise  

2009-03-23 20:47:23|  分类: English |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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When it falls in the weekend, the pleasure time of doing morning exercise for me steps in. Without question, you don’t worry about when you should go to work; when you should send your kid to school. You could do exercise at your will without considering the time limit. For us who like doing morning exercise, the weekend is the gold time, particularly when there is a fresh and clear morning. The sun is slowly coming out from the configuration of the buildings which is against the halo of the sun. In the spring, you might feel the sunlight is so warm, cozy, bathing your back gently, which will supply you incessant strength to move ahead, running one lap after the other, even though you might puff a while.

In addition, there are also some young girls who are eye-catcher, running around the trace, constituting another scenery line. Their vitality and afire youth might cause you the remembrance related to those impassioned young age. However, when you surpass them, you could have a chance to throw your glance on them.

After over half an hour exercise, you may feel every parts of your body have been greased with sweat, which in fact makes you comfortable.

Again, the most spectacular scene which has impinged my eyes in the early spring morning is the massive movement of the migrant birds. It is the very time for the birds flying from south to north. The migrating bird has been grouped rigorously in regularity. They almost fly in a very strict manner with a Chinese letter “人” . It is the miracle that the animals, depending on their nature, could be convergent and well-organized in such a regular way, one group after another. I don’t know where their destination is, and how long they have flied. Silently, far above the sky, these birds have fulfilled their tasks.

I like morning exercise; comparatively I prefer to do morning exercise in the spring time, particularly the weekend.


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