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Cherish present,focus on future!




The unceasing rain  

2009-03-03 11:45:32|  分类: English |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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The unceasining rain has lasted for over twenty days. It caused the inconvenience for our daily life. Almost every morning you could hear the raindrop knocking your window. I am the morning exercise goer; however, I could not go to the playground for nearly ten days due to the rain. You know you will easily tend to get up late once you are accustomed to lying in bed. Thus I think one day I should make my great efforts to get up early once there is a fine early morning.

Yesterday, the snowflake appeared from the sky which aggravated further the bleak weather. To protect against the coldness, I put on my feather-coat that I had not worn last year even if I felt very cold then. You can not say whether there is a fine day tomorrow even currently the sun comes out for a while. It was the case the sun showed his face during the interval of noon when it caused my imagination if there was the sunshining day in the afternoon. In fact it has teased me. The whole afternoon turned into a sullen day.

It was forecast that the abominable weather will still last for sever days until the weekend. Undoubtedly, the fractious weather always causes our mood in a blue state. I hope and hunger for the serene sky.

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