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Something good to know  

2009-04-28 03:42:09|  分类: 生活中的骗局 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Recently there are a number of cases related to ATM perpetrators, who take the advantage of the ATM facilities everywhere to commit crime; consequently, many people have incurred substantial loss.

ATM, standing for automated teller machine, obviously provides the convenience to the user to draw money quickly and easily. However, there are increasing incidences occurring associated with ATM crime.

The following is some methods by which the perpetrators can employ to achieve their purpose. Therefore, having some knowledge of these is good for us.

Method 1: (安装针孔摄像机)installing the advices such as the pinhole camera in the corner of the ATM site; installing the magnetic detector just in front of the ATM insert slot. By means of using the photographic advice, they could find your password by reading the photos taken. Through the detector, they could read the information about your card such as account number, cardholder name, etc. Then the perpetrator could copy your card by high technique, resulting in your money in the card being withdrawn by them.

Method2: (制造故障,贴上他们的联系电话)posting the notice on the some place of the ATM including the phone number. It can be achieved by just inserting something in the ATM insert slot, which may cause the malfunction of the ATM. When you find phone number and contact it, you might fall into their trap. Some of the people might follow their instruction without caution and transfer the money to the accounts the perpetrators have set in advance.

Methods 3: (在门禁系统前安装高科技设备)installing device at the entrance identity identification system(门禁系统) at the gate of the banking self-service house. It requires you should swipe your card first and then press your password. They could easily obtain your card information through the device; then they make another card to withdraw your money. Usually this method is used at night when there are no clerks or guards working in the self-service house. After obtaining the information of two or three individuals, they would leave at once.

Method 4: (操作进行中替换你的卡)when you are using your card and have not yet inserted it into the machine, someone will pat you on your back or your shoulder, reminding you have dropped your money. When you turn back and look down, they quickly take your card and replace another faked card. You might continue your operation, and find you card can not work any more. After you leave and doubt whether your card has been breakdown, they come and draw your money from the machine. Also you may consult your band, and obtain the reply your card is a fake, naturally your money has been taken away by the criminals.

Method 5: (制造抢劫,利用你追击的空隙取走卡中的钱)it is definitely similar to robbery. Being simple, just at the time when your money appears from the tray, someone will come and immediately take your money in the tray and escape away quickly. You of course chase after the person, then another person will continue your operation and rather conveniently withdraw your whole money in the card.


It would be tearful after you have been trapped by those tricks described above. Here are some precautions to be used against the ATM crime.

Firstly, observe the surroundings when approaching the ATM, to find whether there exist some abnormal devices attached at the machine or the site.

Secondly, using your hand covers the key pad when inputting your password. Then the camera installed could not take down your password.

Thirdly, when you call the bank service phone number, you should know it is a five digital number. The initial number is usually 9. Any other number posted at the ATM must be wrong, which is the intended number affixed by the perpetrators.

Fourthly, there is no requirement from any bank asking you should swipe the card and input the password just at the entrance identity identification system before you enter the self-service bank.


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