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The new method of swindle (来电显示的诈骗)  

2009-05-17 04:11:12|  分类: 生活中的骗局 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Yesterday, I read a piece of news from the website that reported the new cases related to using new method to swindle, which some of the people have incurred loss.

This method has close relationship with the high technology, thus it is helpful for us to have some knowledge of it. Indeed I might have not any sense of it if without reading the news.

This malicious deceptive means relates to the practice of Caller ID Display(来电显示). Imagining the following scene:

A person has just received a message with the number showing it is from the China telecom whose number you are familiar with. The message says someone has used his counterfeited ID card to install a fixed telephone, resulting in the expense falling due amounting to 2000 yuan. He should call the police. After he makes a call, the policeman (the swindler) phones back and requires him to deposit some money in another account used as security account. If this person has followed this way according to the instruction of the swindler, then he has been trapped.  

The point lies here where the swindlers use the phone number, such as 10000, 95961, etc. which you have known. So you relax your vigilance, and it is highly likely you might fall into the trick.

The criminals have used the high technology of Caller ID Display that is used by the mobile subscribers across the whole nation.

The reporters quoted the words from the professionals who are working in the telecommunication fields, saying the swindlers are taking advantage of the dummy internet by which the communication network can send a virtual host-call to the called. Because most of people other than the professionals have not enough knowledge of the virtual network, it is thus highly likely people tend to believe the phone number sent by the swindlers. It is a blank area at least in China without formal regulation to manage the virtual communication access. And it is also difficult for the public security bureau to identify the origin of the phone number if the communication is not ongoing.

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