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Cherish present,focus on future!





2012-11-23 11:33:17|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |

Hope is always nurtured in my heart. Sometimes I can feel it is close to me, sometimes I found it has been away. No matter whether it is realistic or unrealistic, there is a hope flashing. Of course, it may change in different time and age.

It is better than without a hope. The hope is the engine that can drive us going forward, and it also motives us looking forward with an optimistical attitude towards the affluence or difficulties occuring in the course of life.

When we have lost the hope that can achieve in the carrer path, we could pin our hope on our next generation. Culativating next generation also needs us to invest our efforts , attention and energy.

There always exists a hope in my heart. The career path may not be satisfactory, however, other hopes are waving towards me. Don't feel crestfallen, English will accompany me all the way, and playing bamboo flute is also my second partner. More important, there are many friends near or far who have been giving me intangible spiritual back.

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